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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 39, Issue 1, pp. 1-344

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Nonlinear Instability of a Critical Traveling Wave in the Generalized Korteweg–de Vries Equation

Andrew Comech, Scipio Cuccagna, and Dmitry E. Pelinovsky

pp. 1-33

On the Blowup for the $L^2$-Critical Focusing Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation in Higher Dimensions below the Energy Class

Monica Visan and Xiaoyi Zhang

pp. 34-56

Inverse Source Problems in Transport Equations

Guillaume Bal and Alexandru Tamasan

pp. 57-76

Interaction of a Bulk and a Surface Energy with a Geometrical Constraint

Antonin Chambolle and Margherita Solci

pp. 77-102

Traveling Wavefronts in a Delayed Food-limited Population Model

Chunhua Ou and Jianhong Wu

pp. 103-125

Existence, Uniqueness, and Regularity of Optimal Transport Maps

Alessio Figalli

pp. 126-137

Asymptotic Stability of Traveling Wave Fronts in the Buffered Bistable System

Je-Chiang Tsai

pp. 138-159

Existence of Solutions for Supply Chain Models Based on Partial Differential Equations

M. Herty, A. Klar, and B. Piccoli

pp. 160-173

Bifurcation for a Free Boundary Problem Modeling Tumor Growth by Stokes Equation

Avner Friedman and Bei Hu

pp. 174-194

Singular Perturbation as a Selection Criterion for Young-Measure Solutions

M. Lilli, T. J. Healey, and H. Kielhöfer

pp. 195-209

Bifurcation Analysis of an Elliptic Free Boundary Problem Modelling the Growth of Avascular Tumors

Shangbin Cui and Joachim Escher

pp. 210-235

Homogenization in Viscoplasticity

Sergiy Nesenenko

pp. 236-262

Flux of Superconducting Vortices Through a Domain

S. N. Antontsev and N. V. Chemetov

pp. 263-280

Convergence of Schrödinger Operators

Johannes F. Brasche and Kateřina Ožanová

pp. 281-297

Optimally Sparse Multidimensional Representation Using Shearlets

Kanghui Guo and Demetrio Labate

pp. 298-318

Traveling Fronts of Pyramidal Shapes in the Allen–Cahn Equations

Masaharu Taniguchi

pp. 319-344